Data Science

Optimize Memory Tips in Python

Tracking, managing, and optimizing memory usage in Python is a well-understood matter but lacks a comprehensive summary of methods. This post presents the most common and efficient approaches to enhance memory utilization

Monitor MakerDao status using Daistats statistics

Analyzing MakerDa statistics, one of the most popular DeFi protocol, seeds a light in DeFi market performance

Improve deep neural network training speed and performance with Optimization

Speed up deep neural network training by tuning Optimizer in Tensorflow

Speed up training and improve performance in deep neural net

Discussion of 5 popular techniques to speed up training in deep neural net (Initialization, Activation function and Batch Normalization/Gradient Clipping) using TensoFlow

Support Vector Machine explanation and application

How to make Support Vector Machine algorithm do exactly the way you want

Complete guide for Time series Visualization

Exploring Time series with visualization and identify neccessary trend, seasonality, cyclic in order to prepare for time series forecast

Comprehensive understanding on Time Series forecasting

Denote characteristics of the Time series and forecast its future values using Retail sales data as example code

ARIMA Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model family

Comprehensive summary of ARIMA model and how to apply it to forecasting

Practical flow of a Data Science Project

Overcome Data Scientist bottle neck in conducting a Data Science Project in real business context to become a valuable employee'

Quick deep dive at Data Scientist Skill set

Skill set that Data Scientist needs to master through studying Kaggle survey 2019 using R